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Fertigation Controller
Fertigation Controller
Fertigation Controller
Fertigation Controller
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Fertigation Controller

True pH and Alkalinity control solutions. The HI 8000 series controller is designed to precisely control the injection of an acid or alkaline solution as well as multiple fertilizers based on continuous in-line EC and pH monitoring. Each system can precisely control pH and alkalinity from 3GPM up to 200GPM. Incorporating combined pH and flow control technology, the Hanna solution offers features and functionality found no where else in the industry.

  • Customize your fertilizer mixtures with the injection and mixing of up to 4 fertilizers and 1 acid with a custom option of up to 7 independent injectors.
  • Superior flexibility with multiple programs that allow the user to set various conductivity and pH values for a variety of plants.
  • Automated irrigation control of up to 32 zones with advanced conductivity and pH control over vast flow rates.
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